Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

YOU ARE.......




Minggu, 22 Mei 2011


all right, this time I'll write about my dream ! :)

usiaku samakin beranjak dewasa, jadi Dona harus semakin serius dengan cita-cita yang ingin diraih. kali ini Dona ga akan main-main dengan pilihanku sekarang ini, jadi Dona harus berfikir matang untuk memilih impian. soalnya ini demi masa depan :) .
soal jurusan yang ingin Dona pilih, I'll take Sriwijaya University as my college. amin :)
soal fakultasnya juga, Dona juga uda nguatin tekad milih Fakultas Kedokteran dan Teknik Kimia. Dona harap sih, moga Dona bisa lulus. kalo bisa, dua-duanya lulus. amiin :)
selaen SNMPTN, Dona juga ngikutin tes PTK, kayak STAN, STIS, STPN, Perhubungan, dan terakhir Akpol. kalo urusan PTK, Dona ngarep banget moga bisa diterima di STAN D1 :)

ya Allah Yang Maha Menghendaki, jadikanlah hamba sebagai mahasiswa.  torehkanlah namaku ya Allah agar hamba bisa buat orang tua bangga padaku
hamba akan terus berdoa
amiin :)

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

yey, blog saya kembali !! :D

hm, anne pikir anne uda ga bisa posting-postingan blog lg, nyatanya alamat e-mail anne diganti dari donnapratiwi21@yahoo.com jadi donnapratiwi21@gmail.com .
hihi, anne jadi malu deh waktu buat status di FB . saking paniknya sih ^_^
anne janji dah kagak nyia-nyiain blog anne

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

-tanpa judul-

saya hanyalah seorang wanita bisa dalam masa penantian terhadap sesuatu, seseorang, dan kenyataan. setiap harinya selalu mengharapkan keajaiban, cita-cita ku agar bisa terkabul, dan meraih masa depan yang gemilang (dunia dan akhirat).

tentu saja saya sangat sedih kalau seseorang yang ku sayangi, yang ku cintai, nyatanya malah menyakiti hatiku. menyakiti sesakit-sakitnya hingga MAAF itu sulit untuk terucap. seandainya aku tak takut akan DOSA, tentu saja saya akan membunuh mereka, dia sehingga aku puas melampiaskan rasa sakit hati ini.

saya hanyalah insan yang lemah dan tak berharga dibanding seribu bintang yang menghiasi langit dengan kekuatan sinarnya.

tapi sesungguhnya aku bisa jauh lebih kejam dibanding sipir penjara, tapi karena agamakulah yang mengharuskanku tidak melakukan hal itu.

karena aku yakin akan hal ini
biarlah mereka menyakitimu, kelak mereka akan mendapatkan ganjaran atas yang telah mereka perbuat. mintalah sama Allah agar bisa membawa rasa sakit hati pergi :)

Selasa, 26 April 2011

good words that you must read

selama Allah ada di sampingku, aku ga pernah merasa sendiri !

saya sering mengalami kegagalan, bukan berarti saya pengecut karena Allah memberi rencana agar manusia berusaha

dalam keadaan apapun, harus selalu ingat Allah ! Allah Maha Segalanya

I have so many tests from God. It's hard but I can

pejamkan matamu jika kamu merasa membawa beban yang sangat berat dalam hidupmu. Dengan memejamkan mata, Anda seperti berada dalam dunia baru

selama aku sanggup, aku ga akan nyerah

hidup harus ada tujuan !

aku ingin..

aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yang berguna nantinya 
aku ingin menjadi wanita yang sangat anggun yang bisa menghipnotis mata lelaki dengan tatapanku
aku ingin menjadi wanita yang pintar dan tegar saat menghadapi masalah
aku ingin lulus SNMPTN 2011 dengan fakultas kedokteran
aku ingin mereka bisa nyaman saat bersama denganku
aku ingin dia selalu bahagia bersamaku selamanya
aku ingin mereka tau apa yang ku impikan selama ini
aku ingin mereka bisa menerimaku apa adanya
aku ingin menjadi penghuni surga di akhirat nanti
aku ingin menjadi istrinya (Galih Bagus Nugraha)
aku ingin punya rumah dengan penghasilan sendiri
semuanya aku sangat inginkan dalam hidupku :)

fakta soal cowok from twitter

liat yang last sentence nya yah !:D
the first impression when i saw this quote is unbelievable because that I know that everybody wants to be loved and loving someone who they love. i didn't understand at the first.
mm, setelah gue pernah denger nih dari seseorang kalo seorang cowok itu lebih ingin dihargai dibandingkan dicintai. karena itu akan membuatnya kuat menjalani hidup.
#NB : klik saja gambar di atas supaya lebih jelas :)

Jumat, 22 April 2011


is there anything weird with that name ?
mm, I think NO !! because my friend, Fera gave this cool name to me :)
honestly, at the first, I felt curious with that name because it's weird, unusual name, etc. but then, she told me behind that name. and finally, I agree with her reason why she called me with unusual name, Dondon :D
mm, when I was junior high school, I was a boyish who always wear a backpack and always hair tied. n actually I was really shy to parsed my hair *lol

another reason why she gave that name because there was the most phenomenal soap opera, Me vs High Heels
in that opera, there was an actor named Dondon
he's boy who very loyally to his best friend n he's cool person :D
Fera likes watching Me vs High Heels so, when she saw me, she always call me Dondon
it means that she dares to me
I never forget with this name, so i'm proud if someone always call me Dondon :D

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

i must share this, YOU KNOW !!

Saturday, April 2 2011

I should feel happy today, but something makes me so disappointed. why ?
No, no i shouldn't be too quick to tell. you must know the story originally.
i woke up at 5 o'clock actually but, my eyes still droop so i slept again n i woke up at 7 o'clock (umm actually i was awakened by my mother) so i must to woke up and make my bedroom tidy. after that, i cooked dishes from so many vegetables such as carrot, cauliflower, scallions, onions, garlic, n fishes .
after i cooked all the dishes , i drank a glass of tea while watching TV. and then, i was taking a bath at twelve and a half hours. mm, i think i was really happy at the first because i was enjoying that holiday.

at 14:30 o'clock
my father invited us to visit my cousin, Ms. Heni at Myria Hospital . when we arrived there, suddenly we wanted to enter the door, but the security of that hospital didn't let us to enter that hospital with reason that visiting hours held at 17 o'clock but actually we were there at 14:58 o'clock n me must wait until 17:00 o'clock. mm, my mom had an idea. so she tried to enter from entrance of the hospital. unfortunately, other security told the same with previous security guard. we were silent for a moment n then we decided to go home. shortly before we left, my cousin, Mr. Ari told me to stay here. mm, so i followed his words n let my parents, brother, n sister went home. 

we went back to the hospital n wanted to enter the hospital. but then, we met same security guard n he said the same words. actually, i felt disappointed but not really. but that security said that one of representatives could enter. the problem was, one of us must wait outside the hospital till 17:00 o'clock. then they (Mr. Ari n security guard) told me to make decisions. i was just silent for a moment n then i made a decision that i waited outside of hospital but Mr. Ari didn't let me wait n security guard was too. so, they told me to enter the hospital n bring snacks for Ms. Heni (actually i felt disappointed because the rules are so strict)

so, i walked toward to the room where she was treated (in Paviliun Fransiskus) . fortunately, i memorized the locations in the hospital so i could find Ms. Heni's room (but actually, i had lost time when i searched her room). n finally, i found her room n saw her. she's better than when she arrived in Myria Hospital. she could talk so loudly than she was :D
we talked and laughed so loudly :D
it was still 16:28 o'clock n i was still waited my parents came to the hospital. n then time was 17:00 o'clock n my parents n sister, dinda came there n the room became more crowded. 
when we talked each other, i received one SMS from my boyfriend, Galih. he said his apologize to me because he didn't reply my SMS yesterday. yeah, i apologize him because he is very busy now :(

the room increased more crowded. the visitors were our families and her friends. we talked, we laughed, we gave some spirits to her. n time was 19:00 o'clock n my parents, sister n I went home by vehicles.
after we went home, we got dressed n my sister, dinda went online . mm, actually i wanted to go online too because i wanted to know the confirmation from my friend, Ms. Lia. n actually, i got confirmation from her n she gave her phone number to me. i wanted to send sms to her, but i didn't have pulse :/ .

then, i opened home in Facebook, n i saw popular news n i saw his status n he wrote that he wanted to go to jakarta. actually , i felt really disappointed because he didn't give his news. lately, he becomes really different than he was. he is busy with his own world. n becomes not care with me. usually, when i wrote something in my facebook, he always gives comment . haha :D

but now, he doesn't take care with me. n a thing that makes me more disappointed now because he doesn't feel what i feel now T.T

New Title>> Dunz Note

Dunz Note ??
ada gerangan apaa anne genti tuh titlt ?
hmm, anne punya alesan tersendiri kenapa anne genti title
karena ku mau blog ini berisi sesuatu yang lebih penting, lebih berguna . mungkin sih ga sering curhat-curhatan lagi di blog. kecuali kalo anne lagi pengen curhat online disini, pasti anne curhat. blog anne ya blog anne. yang penting anne ga ngerugiin orang lain deh. dijamin ! :)